Lending and Collection decisions used to be made by people reviewing a file, having spoken to the borrower on a number of occasions, or possibly have known them and their family for some time. The credit world was based on Character as the first attribute in making a credit decision.
Until you’ve lived in the era of computerized banking, now a computer makes the decision on whether or not you receive a modification to save your home, or the computer says you will lose your home in foreclosure. A “banker” or “workout specialist” or “negotiator” as they are sometimes called, verifies your information, inputs it into the computer and the
computer provides the answer. These answers only rarely if ever are changed. There is a term in this world that will get you to the next person in the chain of command. ESCALATE! By using that term, you move to the next level, and you can escalate until you can’t.
You need to know in advance how the computer makes decisions, then you can manipulate what you tell the computer to hopefully achieve the result you are looking to achieve. This is tricky. If modification is your goal, we will let you know how it’s done.