About Us

Experience You Can Trust

The Foreclosure Help Center provides foreclosure counseling to residents of Wisconsin. We know how scary a foreclosure can be, but we want you know that all is lost. Our team is well versed in real estate, credit counseling, and foreclosure. Our founder has been in real estate for 8 years and has 25 years of former banking experience as well. 

Don’t wait to get in touch with us if you need foreclosure advice!

About Our Founder, Pat Vandenberg

The founder of The Foreclosure Help Center,  Mr. Vandenberg, has worked in many facets of retail finance, having been a  lender and collector in the financial services industry, he had experience  repossessing personal property, autos, semi-trucks and trailers, to foreclosure of homes. Mr. Vandenberg understands loss mitigation from the lender side having been at the executive level making decisions on whether or not people should keep their home. In addition to being a former retail and mortgage lender and collector, Mr. Vandenberg successfully led the State’s largest credit counseling program with 7 offices statewide.

Mr. Vandenberg alongside his wife have been operating in Real Estate for 8 years. This brand of experience is now available to help homeowners retain their homes if possible and if not provide a glide path, working within the constraints of the industry and law so consumers can be provided a soft landing.

Are you looking for foreclosure help?

Don’t worry, all is not lost if you’re facing foreclosure. Our service is free and confidential. Just one hour that may change your life.